Sunday, August 23, 2020

Social Policy review and analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Social Policy survey and investigation - Essay Example sily understandable procedure. Single issues or individual weight bunches are the essential structure squares of present day pressure gatherings. Each intrigue is viewed as communicating a joint reason of people that have met up to accomplish persuaded destinations. These gatherings have constrained hierarchical aptitudes and come up short on the information on government to prevail in the couple of explicit issues on their motivation. Single issues intrigue bunches generally have a fluid enrollment base, which utilize the media and huge activity to get their objectives. The gatherings for the most part are battling for an adjustment in private or open strategy they find unjust or ridiculous. These gatherings will in general separation when they arrive at their objectives (or surrender rout). Albeit single interests bunches are not totally inefficient, their tendency towards energy makes them not popular in the Bureaucratic people group and in spin don't remain around for a really long time. The fundamental key to progress for these gatherings exists in their convenience to request to general assessment. On the off chance that the single interests bunch is around for enough time either by following or declining to surrender they normally gather as one with other comparable single intrigue gatherings to carry on the battle. Gatherings, for example, this are alluded to as authoritative intrigue gatherings and for the most part contain a more elevated level association than the single interests gatherings. Getting at least two gatherings together with focus on basic interests can draws in a more extensive enrollment base that thus gives a bigger financial continue to work with. With more cash the gathering can select a little staff of specialists including legal advisors, open arrangement specialists, and advertising staff to help meet the adjustments in the administration. The structure and essential objectives of the association don't change after the amalgamation it just turns out to be progressively mind boggling. Authoritative gatherings will in general avoid pointless conduct for the sake of the reason and the utilization of media to accumulate open consideration. Rather, the gatherings utilize formal briefs to express what is on their mind to the overall population. The authoritative gatherings are educated in the political field yet are not as valuable as the institutional gatherings. Institutional gatherings or very hierarchical bunches have a broad enrollment premise that takes into account a steady participation of similarly invested individuals. Everybody inside the institutional gathering doesn't participate in the equivalent definite intrigue; the individuals are required to impart the data to others in the gathering to act in a typical way. The gatherings have generous assets to complete their solid and moment goals. The assets incorporate an exceptionally prepared staff that has far reaching information on the legislature that impacts the appropriate government authorities and can banter effectively with them. In contrast to the single interests or authoritative gatherings, institutional intrigue bunches have the right stuff and information expected to go about as a go between,

Friday, August 21, 2020

Factors of Acute Kidney Injury

Components of Acute Kidney Injury 1. Presentation: Kidneys are the significant two matched organs of our body that work typically under as far as possible. Kidneys may lose its typical working in specific situations clearing route to a malady condition of kidney. These kidneys as named channel units of the body capacity to discharge squander substances from the body. Like different maladies of the body, kidney ailments bring about hazardous situation of the general public, with comprehensive neurotic causes and related social standards. In following segment different parts of intense kidney injury (disappointment) are examined in detail. 2. Intense Kidney Injury: Studies identified with ‘’acute kidney disappointment (ARF)’’ were risked for over past decades because of the clashing definitions and changed symptomatic rules of the malady by various specialists, however, all came to an understanding that a decrease in renal capacity for over the hour of hours to days is the particular trademark highlight of ARF. In the year 2005, an activity has been taken by Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative and the Acute Kidney Injury Network (AKIN) for supplanting the term ‘’Acute Kidney Failure’’ to ’Acute kidney Injury (AKI)’’ (Mehta et al, 2007).However, this definition was additionally improved in the year 2007, which is for the most part certify to as the RIFLE standards (Risk-Injury-Failure-Loss of capacity End stage renal infection). Besides, raised serum creatinine level and expired pee yield are remembered for the analytic standards. The initial three phases of AKI including s tage 1 †hazard, stage 2 †injury and stage 3 disappointment with demonstrative models are appeared in the Figure 1 (Kellun et al, 2005). Intense renal disappointment (ARF) is characterized as a fast and reversible decrease in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) going from scarcely any hours to weeks,that can happen in the setting of beforehand ordinary renal capacity (‘classic’ ARF) or in a patient with previous ceaseless renal ailment (‘acute-on-chronic’ renal disappointment). Clinically, ARF is further subcategorized in two unmistakable sorts, right off the bat based on being oliguric (pee yield 500 ml/day), and besides on being dialysis reliance (Schrier et al, 2004). Patients are grouped in three classifications relying upon their danger of renal brokenness, kind of kidney injury, and the level of kidney disappointment, which is additionally connected with two clinical results: Loss and End-stage renal sickness (RIFLE). ARF (Loss) is characterized as the necessity of renal substitution treatment (RRT) for a time of over about a month, though end-stage renal malady is characterized as reliance on dialysis for a time of over 3 months. Patients with intense renal brokenness without introducing a gauge proportion of renal capacity are assessed for the nearness of ceaseless renal malady. The Modification of Diet in Renal Disease equation is utilized to foresee ‘normal’ GFR is there is no proof of incessant renal illness, which in this manner is useful in surveying the seriousness of the ARF scene (Lameire et al, 2006). 2.1. Occurrence of Acute Kidney Injury: Assessment of theaccurateand authentic epidemiological attributes of ARF is hinderedby different reasons, for example, absence of a by and large acknowledged definition, sexual orientation difference, issue of lacking talk with a specialist, budgetary issues in transplantation and treatment and deferred treatment, particularly in creating nations, which all together contribute in hampering appropriate appraisal of frequency of intense kidney injury (Cerdã ¡ et al, 2008). Moreover, deviation in catchment populaces and techniques utilized for case ascertainment additionally bring about troubles for ARI assessment. The pace of intense kidney injury holds distinction in everybody, assigned contrastingly as three gatherings, network gained intense kidney injury, the hospitalized patients and fundamentally sick patients of emergency unit). 2.1.1. Network Acquired Acute Kidney Injury: For the most part, ARF happens infrequently in network settings. After rejection of the individuals who endured ceaseless renal disappointment, ARF was discovered created in 172 grown-ups per million individuals (pmp) every year in an unselected population(Singbartl et al., 2000).The occurrence went between 17 pmp/year and 949 pmp/year for grown-ups (under 50 years old) and those matured between 80 years and 89 years, separately. Intense dialysis was managed to 22 pmp(Liano et al) and it was foundin an examination study directed for over a time of 9 months at 13 tertiary consideration medical clinics in Madrid, Spain that the general rate of ARF is around 209 cases pmp. Also, it has been accounted for that network procured ARF in the US represent 1% of clinic admissions(Schnermann, 2003). Pre-renal ARF and intense on-interminable renal disappointment have been accounted for to be related with drying out especially in old individuals, utilization of medications, for example, angiotens in-changing over compound inhibitors and angiotensin-receptor blockers in highrisk patients, and heart failure(Schnermann, 2003). Additionally, 0.69% of affirmations of African Americans were represented anew ARF. The occurrence of network procured ARF in this populace was 3.5 occasions more than that of emergency clinic gained ARF; with a few patients having basic clinical conditions(Noiri et al., 2001).Disasters specifically quakes, numerous different reasons for pound disorder, for example, mishaps, rhabdomyolysis coming about because of diseases, trance like state, and seizures, use of medications especially nonsteroidal enemy of inflammatories, and vascular occasions, for example, apoplexy of vessels are related with network obtained ARF. Besides, hemolytic uremic disorder optional to contamination with Escherichia coli or Shigella is a typical reason for ARF, as is poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis in youngsters. Diarrheal ailments, hemolysis, tropical and non-tropical cont aminations, and snake nibbles are causative variables of ARF in tropical regions, for example, India and Africa. The general occurrence of obstetric-related ARF has declined for over numerous years (Melnikov et al., 2001; Wang et al., 2003). Prescriptions that are recommended by conventional healers which for the most part contain blend of herbs and unidentified synthetic substances for oral organization or as bowel purges comprise an unmistakable class of nephrotoxins in Africa and Asia(Jha V and Chugh2003) 15. Venoms of ocean snakes, snake snakes and stinging creepy crawlies, and crude gallbladder and bile of carp and sheep are available in like manner creature determined nephrotoxins. In addition, normal palatable plants, for example, djenkol beans, and mushrooms and therapeutic herbs including impila, just as cat’s clawcomprise natural nephrotoxins (Melnikov et al., 2001).Nephrotoxicity which is brought about by various synthetic compounds can be because of inadvertent presentation to concoction, for example, chromic corrosive in modern work places or because of utilization of synthetic compounds, for example, copper sulfate, ethylene dibromide or ethylene glycol with self-destructive or desperate purpose. 2.1.2. Medical clinic gained: The frequency of medical clinic gained ARF outperforms that of network obtained ARF by 5â€10 occasions, being 0.15â€7.20% in hospitalized patients (Nash et al., 2002). Surveysthat are utilized for emergency clinic gained ARF under gauge the genuine frequency, as cases that incorporate terminal patients are not either alluded for treatment for ARF or are not screened for ARF. Out of 311 unselected hospitalized patients with ARF, 22% were alluded to a nephrologist in an appraisal in unselected patients. Age and comorbidities of patients at introduction affected the referral(Zuk et al., 2001) and by various referral examples to the site of care including region general clinic, tertiary referral place, general ICU, and cardiothoracic ICU. In a planned medical clinic based investigation of ARF, the evaluated occurrence with requirement for RRT was accounted for to be 203 pmp/year, having patients with intense on-incessant renal disappointment comprehensive (Metcalfe et al., 2002). A critical raised level in the frequency of clinic procured ARF has been seen over the time of past decades. The US National Center for Health Statistics National Hospital Discharge Survey detailed that the quantity of hospitalizations with a determination of ARF has expanded significantly, from 35,000 out of 1979 to more than 650,000 out of 2002, portraying a yearly pace of increment of over 13% which might be expected tovarious comorbidities of the hospitalized populace, expanding age of the populace, expanded event of hazard factors for ARF including interminable kidney infection and diabetes, and furtherprevalent utilization of intravenous difference specialists for imaging and cardiovascular procedures. Ischemic and additionally harmful intense rounded rot (ATN) are denoted the fundamental driver of medical clinic obtained ARF. More often than not, there includes multi factorial causes including, incorporating postsurgical ATN, chemotherapy-instigated ARF, ARF auxiliary to sepsi s, differentiate specialists or medications, for example, anti-toxins, allopurinol, nonsteroidal enemy of inflammatories and proton-siphon inhibitors, and ARF because of a coagulation or atheroembolism. Despite the move in the etiology of emergency clinic gained ARF over most recent couple of decades, prerenal conditions having manifestationsuch as decreased paces of renal perfusion remains to be driving causative factor of ARF (about 40% of cases). The pattern in created nations towards a raised rate of ARF in hospitalized patients because of medications, various diseases and medical procedures has been seen in China(Wang et al., 2005)as well as in India (Prakash et al., 2003). 2.1.3. ARF in basically sick patients admitted to the ICU Patients in ICU, show ARF commonly connected with multi-organ brokenness disorder (JoannidisMetnitz, 2005). The discoveries of a global epidemiological investigation of ARF introduced results that indicated event of ARF in 1,738 (5.7%) patients during their stay in ICU out of all out example size of 29,269 patients in ICUs of 54 examination communities

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

A Beautiful Pause Interview with an Experienced Engineer Studying at CMU Tepper

This interview is the latest in an Accepted blog series featuring  interviews with MBA students, offering readers a behind-the-scenes look at top MBA programs. And now for a chat with an MBA student at CMU Tepper, Daniel Espinoza†¦ Accepted: We’d like to get to know you! Where are you from? Where and what did you study as an undergrad? Daniel: I am from Peru. I am an Economist Engineer, and graduated from National University of Engineering. It is a career related to Econometrics and Quantitative Economics. Interestingly, my father had Perus first degree in that career, so I grew up among books of economics, finance and long discussion about economics issues with my father. Also, I obtained a Master of Sciences in Investments Projects in my alma mater, earning  first place in my cohort. I developed my career in several industries and in several roles such as Civil and Urban Infrastructure, Consulting, Mining and Health Care. Since I am an entrepreneur and I like changes, I decided to pursue an MBA in a world class university like Carnegie Mellon to incorporate a fresh set of tools to my profession. Accepted:  Which business school did you attend? When did you graduate? Daniel: I am going to Tepper Business School of Carnegie Mellon University. I will graduate in May 2017. Accepted:  What ultimately led to your decision to attend Tepper School of Business? What were some of your favorite aspects of their program? Daniel: In a high level, I developed my career in Mining and Health Care, and Pittsburgh has been a mining and industrial city of coal and steel so it made sense to come here. Additionally, Pittsburgh is a big hub in Healthcare with big corporations such as UPMC and Highmark, so definitely I obtained the right mix that combined nicely with my background. Tepper is a business school that cultivates three important areas of knowledge related to Behavioral Economics, Mathematics and Decision Analysis which are intimately related to my two professional dissertations: Strategic Decision Making in Mining and Risk Analysis in Public Projects. So Tepper provided me the right match to my interests. Accepted:  What made you pursue an MBA program at this stage in your life? Did you consider EMBA programs? Daniel: Since I developed my career in several Planning and Strategic Departments in Mining and Health Care, I was exposed to a variety of problems related to Finance, Operations, Commercialization, Supply Chain and Strategy. Moreover, I played an important role leading my company as Commercial Chief during the crisis of metal commodities. I not only accomplished my daily duties such as managing warehouse operations, identifying PL drivers, forecasting metrics, doing market research, and tracking sales, but also collaborated in the due diligence that crystallized in the acquisition of my company by Nyrstar –in an operation of $ 23 M. Moreover, I took on new responsibilities during the MA by leading the implementation of SAP to promote change management. All these experiences made me think that I was ready to play in the big leagues, so I decided to pursue my MBA in 2012 and I was accepted by Tepper in first round in December of 2014. I preferred a full-time  MBA just to inte rnalize and rewire my mindset to be prepared for future business challenges. Accepted:  Looking back, did you experience any challenges while applying as an international applicant? How did you overcome them? Daniel: Applying as an international applicant involves many challenges and very detailed planning. In my case coming from Peru, with a different university system and language, was particularly challenging. I divided the work in three categories: First, I began my preparation to take the TOEFL and GMAT, which are everyone a complete universe in themselves. The decision of what is first and what is second is always tricky. I began taking the GMAT and finished taking the TOEFL, defining a minimum desirable score for each one. Second, I asked to my different schools the respective transcripts and additional documentation to support my level of education and accomplishments. Third, I had to translate everything from Spanish to English. I employed an Official Translator. I did all these things  while I was working in one of the biggest hospitals in Peru as a Project Specialist moving forward several initiatives in Urology, Critical Care, Metabolic Support, Dentistry and IT. To sum it all up, it is required a lot of stamina and determination to overcome all these activities. Accepted:  How have your MBA studies at Tepper School of Business helped you achieve your long-term career goals? Daniel: Since my MBA is still in progress, I am really excited to see the impact to achieve my long-term career goals. However, Ive learned a lot of interesting approaches to solve problems, to lead teams, and to accomplish goals in a real job setting. One indicator, is my Internship in Hospital Corporation of America in Houston (Texas) during the summer 2016 as Performance Improvement Engineer. It is an internal consulting role that generates initiatives to improve several aspects in the Healthcare Value Chain such as Labor, Clinical Excellence, Operations Room, Emergency Department and Throughput. For example, I generated a positive impact in financial and operational reporting, and increased efficiencies in the Operations Room by reducing physicians’ overtime. In another instance, I worked for 33 Birds –a non-profit organization that provides food and useful extracurricular activities to poor children in NYC, to which I elaborated its first Business Plan, first Brochures and first Databases of potential fund-providers. So, these experiences make me think the great opportunities that my MBA is opening for me which will fulfill my long-term career goals working in the intersection of Technology, Finance and Business Development in a variety of roles such as Project Management, Product Management, Business Improvement, or Supply Chain. Accepted: Lastly, do you have any tips for those who are contemplating pursuing an MBA program later in their career? Daniel: I am convinced that success is a natural result from hard work and dedication to meet unexpected and impressive opportunities that the market offers. I feel that building respect and trust are important for strong business and professional relationships. Today we have an extraordinary tool that can tremendously leverage our careers and prepare us to reach higher goals: the MBA. It is a decision that should be taken carefully and thoughtfully. Especially, I recommend it when you have great accomplishments and experiences that can be shared with your classmates. On the other hand, the courses that you will take can be contrasted with your experiences making the process of learning and personal transformation more fruitful. Another piece that I considered was to take the Leadership Certification that Tepper offers to enhance my leadership skills. It is never too late;  on the contrary, it is a beautiful pause that can re-energize our careers. If you have these elements, it is the right time. You can keep up with Daniels journey by checking out his blog The Economist Engineer  or you can connect with him via LinkedIn. Thank you Daniel for sharing your story with us we wish you continued success! For one-on-one guidance with  your b-school application, check out  our  MBA Application Packages. Do you want to be featured in Accepted’s blog? If you want to share your med school journey with the world (or at least with our readers), email us at hbspt.cta.load(58291, 'f60b54a4-3de6-4e6c-af2b-c1555f06e7f5', {}); For 25 years, Accepted has helped business school applicants gain acceptance to top programs. Our outstanding team of MBA admissions consultants features former business school admissions directors and professional writers who have guided our clients to admission at top MBA, EMBA, and other graduate business programs worldwide including Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, Booth, INSEAD, London Business School, and many more.  Want an MBA admissions expert  to help you get Accepted? Click here to get in touch! Related Resources: †¢Ã‚  Leadership in Admissions †¢Ã‚  The Importance of Extracurriculars and Community Service †¢Ã‚  The MBA Family Tree: A Roundup Overview of Different MBA/EMBA Options

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Graduation Speech On Attending College - 902 Words

Attending college can be one of the biggest decisions in a person’s life. Admittedly, one of the biggest factors in attending college is typically finances. All student must consider where the money for tuition will come from and any debt that may be incurred in relation to his or her schooling. Some student’s families pay their tuition, while others need to pay for school themselves. Sure, there are grants and scholarships that a person can receive but they usually do not cover all the cost of attending college. Because of this, some self-paying students will need to finance at least part of their education. Students who need to finance their own education will also generally need to work while pursuing a degree. Besides the financial worries, a student needs to also consider the challenges in balancing the demands of work, family life and the course work in classes. When a student must work while attending school, finding a balance between work and school can be one of the greatest challenges. While a person’s employer may applaud them for attending school and working, the employer will still expect the employee to meet all the demands of the job. At the same time, colleges have their own opinions on working while attending school such as â€Å"Oxford and Cambridge universities both strongly discourage students from taking jobs during their short terms, arguing that their academic work will be severely disrupted if they do (Fazackerley 26).† Maybe this is because they knowShow MoreRelatedGraduation Speech : Attending Green River College791 Words   |  4 Pagesmyself would be to attend a college to get my Associate’s Degree as a stepping stone for additional degrees and learning. Attending Green River College will be an encouraging experience to encounter. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Comparison of Hamlet and Mcmurphy in One Flew over the...

A Comparison of Hamlet and McMurphy in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest It is suggested that in modern literature, the true element of tragedy is not captured because the protagonist is often of the same social status as the audience, and therefor, his downfall is not tragic. This opinion, I find, takes little consideration of the times in which we live. Indeed, most modern plays and literature are not about monarchs and the main character is often equal to the common person; this, however, does not mean the plot is any less miserable nor the outcome any less wretched. The first work I have chosen proves this fact. One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, a first novel by Ken Kesey published in 1962, is a contemporary tragedy describing†¦show more content†¦He was the logger again, the swaggering gambler, the big redheaded brawling Irishman, the cowboy out of the TV set walking to me a dare. The common theme in each plot is a rise against tyranny in defense of ones honor to defeat the evil repressor. Despite their different methods, it was the eventuality of revenge that drove Hamlet and McMurphy onward to the brutal end of it all. Although McMurphy disguises it with ignorance and Hamlet flaunts it in his wit, another striking resemblance is the aptitude of these two characters. A consequential parallel between them is also their use of this intellect to set and trap the other characters. McMurphy does this with interest in personal gain, as he often maneuvers the other patients into betting against him when unbeknownst to them, the odds are in McMurphys favor: He let the odds stack up, and sucked them in deeper and deeper till he had five to one on a sure thing from every man of them, some of them betting up to twenty dollars. Hamlet as well manipulates for personal gain, though his is not monetary. He plots to fulfill he need for absolute certainty; his, is a plot for information. Certainly, the best example of this, is the influence Hamlet uses on the play staged by the traveling theater company. His insistence the players perform The Murder of Gonzago, a show that eerily shadows the method used by Claudius himself

Organizational Communication Challenges and Misunderstandings

Question: Discuss about the Organizational Communication for Challenges and Misunderstandings. Answer: Introduction: The following report is going to assess the organisational culture in the University of Queensland Australia. Before moving ahead with the details analysis of such, one needs to understand what organisational culture stands for. The definition varies according to the different perceptions of the scholars. However, the basic definition of the organisational culture may be the following: An organisational culture is the behaviour of the individuals and the collaborative work forces who work together in an organisation. It is a cultural system of shared value and work ethics. In a single sentence, organisational culture can be defined as the civilisation of an organisation or a company (Alvesson Sveningsson, 2015) Literature Review: Many of the scholars believe that the success of an organisation is highly mobilised by its culture and behaviour. There are certain rules and terms a company or an organisation sets in order to maintain uniformity inside it (Schneider, Ehrhart Macey, 2013). Different theirs have been designed and proposed by the cultural anthropologists however, this paper is going to analyse and understand the frame of cultural model of Peters and Waterman. This is a venture to analyse the problems within the university in terms of its organisational behaviour and to recommend some positive solutions to those problems (Terry, Callan Sartori, 1996). The study of organisational culture belongs to different schools of thought. These schools are the functionalist school, the structural-functionalist school, the ecological adaptationist school, the historical diffusionist school, the structuralist school, the cognitive school and the symbolic school of culture ( Hogan Coote, 2014) Nous group was deployed for analysing the organisational culture of the University of Queensland. Nous has used Organisational Culture Inventory during the survey of the university. Nous group conducted the surveys from fifteenth October to thirty-first October, 2012. The survey encompassed 88 senior staff who was deployed to develop a draft on the vision and value of the University of Queensland. Nous group has disclosed the location of some of the employees and some were remained under confidence for survey. Expectation from the Employees: The university has, according to the survey report of Nous group, set a draft of expectation from the employees in terms of achievement, self actualisation, humanistic encouraging, affiliation, approval, convention, dependence, avoidance, opposition, power, competition and perfection. In case of achievement, the organisation expects that its employee should set some challenging objectives that are realistic and they should try to solve the problem with effect. High quality production through substantial employability is highly expected from the employees. In term of humanistic supporting, the employees are highly expected to for providing supportive and constructive assistance to the coordinates. They are also expected to friendly in professional nature bringing up sensitivity pertaining to the satisfaction of the work-groups. Whether the university actually follows this particular frame, it has to be scrutinised. Peters and Waterman in their book In search of Excellence (Chapter 3), has designed a model as a proposal for understanding organisational culture. They have emphasised on value share in association with structure, strategy, skills, staff, style of work and internal system of an organisation (Peters, Waterman Jones, 1982). Point Comparison Table : Comparison Point OCI OCAI** Edgar Scheins Culture Triangle (aka Iceberg) Peters Watermans Cultural Excellence Charles Handys Four Classes of Culture Scope (how extensive the methodology is and what it covers) Very comprehensive, covers 12 cultural factors Scope is very broad, covers all aspects of organisations and can focus on organisation level and beyond (inter organisation and wider society) analyses or hone down to macro and even micro level (departments or team) level analyses. Though the scope is not as broad as the other tools, it is compact in nature and covers almost all the major organisational culture. It is about the organizational culture and the similarity that this has with the concept of a village (workers are citizens and company is the village). Application Tools (if there are online tools to apply the methodology easily) Difficult to research, possibly proprietary? It is easier to research Characterisation Typologies Uses 12 distinct behavioural patterns divided into 3 typologies constructive, passive defensive and aggressive/defensive style Uses a 3 tier analysis model in the figure of a triangle or more commonly an iceberg It uses six distinctive behavioral patterns Club or (Power) Culture: Role Culture: Task Culture: Person Culture: Theoretical Basis/Validity Reflects a wide range of management theories Based on the personal experiences of the models creator, Edgar H. Schein, during his time as a management consultant in several organisations, one of particular note being Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC). It is based on the core organisational experience He is an philosopher specialist in organisationalbehaviourand management. He was included within the Thinkers 50 which is a list of the most influential living management thinkers. Charles Handy also has a honorary Doctor of Laws, experienced in marketing at Shell International and was teaching in the London Business School History, extent Range of Application Has been applied to 2 millions globally. Applied to different types of organisations incl. not for profit Developed in 1980. Data on application difficult to obtain (possibly proprietary?). It was developed in 1982 Born in 1932 and his theory is still valid, as he is still researching organizations Utility of the results (how useful the results are in terms of changing org. culture) Difficult to determine, not much data available publicly it seems. Could be more applicable or interesting to interested persons rather than organisations. It is easier to determine because of availability of data. He has developed one of the most important and current organizational theories. Although he does not provide specific solution for every organization, he analyses and provide a good understanding for insights into how and why they have developed. Ease of Communication (how good the results are for communication and sharing with others in the organisation; graphical representation?) Difficult to communicate results as results require context in order to be interpreted It is easier to communicate and the result requires critical understanding of the organization The Power culture assumes that there is good communication and empathy among employees. Key References (e.g. Schein 2004) You need to mention authors name and reference number of dates here that matches the same in the reference list for the whole assignment) Schein, E. H. (2004). Riley, J. (2015). Handy, C. 2011. Gods of Management: The Changing Work of Organisations Organisation Type Suitability (e.g. large global organisations, not for profit organisations, medium size tech firms etc.) Any size or type of organisation can be assessed based on the culture triangle It is flexible to analyse all types of organisation Depending on the company's objective and size, he identify different types of organizational culture. Advantages Thoroughly researched, easily framed and understood using diagrams It is based on entire research method and the framework is highly regulative Current theory applicable to different types of organizations. easy to understand and identify key aspects within the organizations. Disadvantages Requires great amounts of writing to interpret results, results can be vague or ambiguous in meaning Does not require great amount of writing. It is easy to understand through the structural presentation of the organisational culture Does not provide any proposal for any industry or company. Different kind of interpretations and meaning depending on the industry. Organisational Culture and Staff Engagement (UQ): While understanding the staff engagement in the University of Queensland, it has been found that they have duality in expectations. However, the staff report of the university clearly states that there is a cohesive and collaborative culture in within the university. On the contrary, maximum numbers of staff are found to have shown negative impression pertaining to the management decisions and other culture aspects. Following issues have been brought to notice: Negative competition Ineffective Management Burdens in Administration Politics Bullying The employees often strive in pursuit of excellence and they are not given space to show their creativity. There are several negative cultural aspects in the organisation i.e. lack of mutual respect, lack of creative thinking, lack of independent interventions and so on. Overall, lack of accountability and leadership quality has affected the employees in greater level. As per the cultural model of Peters and Waterman, an organisation must carry out individual creativity in order to provide ample space to the employees. In order to ensure corporate excellence, this model can be taken into account. Peter and Watermans philosophy of structural relation among the organisational element can be used to solve the problems pertaining to the staff engagement. The model suggests that the relation between each of the organisational elements can be strengthened through shared values. The following model can be used to suggest collaborative works in a much better way. Management Drive-force in the University of Queensland: Few mechanisms have been initiated by the management level of the university to hold all the working staff of the university. Since the mid-level working staff keep complaining about the non-cohesive and non-collaborative work culture of university of Queensland, it needs to be checked whether the human resource managers take endeavours regarding staff engagement. Followings are the setbacks of the university in terms of staff management: Pre-job training is scarcely provided by the university to the new comers thus creating a void space of work-knowledge. Most of the learning process is done through live training in the university. Thus, the trainees feel perplexed as they are directly placed without prior knowledge of the work they are deployed to do. There is a huge lack of performance management in the university. JM Woods book Organisational behaviour suggests that all the organisations should possess the authenticity and positive approach towards their management drive force (Modaff, Butler DeWine, 2016). Continuous intervention from the managerial authority helps the employees and the other organisational components maintaining competence while working with their company. in case of UQ, the management body needs to fortify the training and involvement process so that creativity can be extracted for organisational benefit. Theoretical Interpretation and Solution to the cultural Complexities: After going through the case study on University of Queensland, it has clearly been understood that the problems related to the staff members are the classical ones (Shafritz, Ott Jang, 2015). Dr. Terry Jackson designs the model of classical problems with organisational culture. According to the model, the problems with assumption and behaviour result in utter disturbances within an organisation and so have happened with the University of Queensland. The figure shows how the organisational culture is formed. It is the amalgamation of assumption of the management and behaviour of the employees thus resulting in existing culture. Conclusion: Organisational culture cannot be considered as the culture of only the working staff of an organisation. It is rather the collaborative effort by both the authority and the subordinates. In case of the University of Queensland, the staff have a problem with the behaviour of the management body. The cultural problems among the staff are obviously the classical one and that can be sorted out through te implementation of collaborative model suggested by Peters and Waterman. The model suggests a collaborative framework through value sharing. It can thus be concluded that value sharing is the ultimate solution to the problems related to organisational culture and behaviour. Reference: Alvesson, M., Sveningsson, S. (2015).Changing organizational culture: Cultural change work in progress. Routledge. Hogan, S. J., Coote, L. V. (2014). Organizational culture, innovation, and performance: A test of Schein's model.Journal of Business Research,67(8), 1609-1621. Jackson, T. (2004).Management and change in Africa: A cross-cultural perspective. Routledge. Modaff, D. P., Butler, J. A., DeWine, S. A. (2016).Organizational communication: Foundations, challenges, and misunderstandings. Pearson. Peters, T. J., Waterman, R. H., Jones, I. (1982). In search of excellence: Lessons from America's best-run companies. Schneider, B., Ehrhart, M. G., Macey, W. H. (2013). Organizational climate and culture.Annual review of psychology,64, 361-388. Shafritz, J. M., Ott, J. S., Jang, Y. S. (2015).Classics of organization theory. Cengage Learning. Terry, D. D. J., Callan, V. J., Sartori, G. (1996). Employee adjustment to an organizational merger: Stress, coping and intergroup differences.Stress and Health,12(2), 105-122.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Midsummer Nights Dream Essays (930 words) - Operas,

Midsummer Night's Dream The play "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by William Shakespeare offers a wonderful contrast in human mentality. Shakespeare provides insight into man's conflict with the rational versus emotional characteristics of human behavior. Athens represents the logical side, with its flourishing government and society. The fairy woods represents the wilder, irrational side where nothing seems to follow any sort of structure. The character of Bottom the weaver is a direct reflection of these two worlds. He brings the rational and irrational elements of the play together in several ways. Nick Bottom is indeed one of Shakespeare's most memorable creations. He is first introduced during the casting of "Pyramus and Thisbe"(1.2.253). Bottom is ready to take on anything. He wants to play every part in the play. This can be seen as he says: "An I may hide my face, let me play Thisbe too. I'll speak in a monstrous little voice: ?Thisne, Thisne!'- ?Ah Pyramus, my lover dear, thy Thisbe dear and lady dear'"(1.2.43-45). Further along he states: Let me play the lion too. I will roar that I will do any man's hear good to hear me. I will roar that I will make the Duke say ?Let him roar again; let him roar again'. (1.2.58-60) Clearly, Bottom has complete confidence in his ability to sweep from one end of the emotional scale to the other. Perhaps he feels that playing only one role in the play is constricting and he does not want to limit his talent to one specific person. This is the basis of the difference between him and the lovers. He does not want to feel restricted by anything or anyone, thereby casting aside the idea that loving only one person is possible. As he asks: "What is Pyramus? A lover or a tyrant?" (1.2 17) and shortly thereafter remarks: That will ask some tears in the true performing of it. If I do it, let the audience look to their eyes. I will move stones. I will condole, in some measure. To the rest. ? Yet my chief humor is for the tyrant. I could play'er'cles rarely, or a part to tear a cat in, to make all split. (1.2.19-23) Here he gives us insight into his own personality and almost seems to mock those in love. When he says "let the audience look to their eyes" (1.2.20), he is directly touching on one of the themes in the play: the use of one's eyes in love, which according to Bottom means that people do not use their heads when in love and that it is an emotion merely based on superficialities. Whatever the case may be, it is obvious that he is much more of a lover than a tyrant. Bottom proceeds to show however, that one can love and be a tyrant at the same time. When he is transformed into the ass and shares Titania's bower, it shows his marvelous adaptability to adapt immediately to whatever life offers him. His energetic love of life, good nature and eager innocence obtains him this entrance into the "other world" so different from his own. Perhaps he is not completely incapable of feeling or understanding love. Starting from his position as a "rock-bottom" realist, he can, with the same vigor and joy he brings to whatever he does, respond to this power and believe. The fantastically transformed Bottom, the least likely candidate for the position in the world before his transformation, becomes a participator in the fairy world in the incredible role of being Titania's lover. But we see thus that it was possible after all. He can, in sum, be both a lover and a tyrant yet he knows that being in love is but a passing phase and that at some point, one must face reality again. When Bottom awakens from his "dream", his own manner of reacting to it is the best approach to the experience. Wonder, awe, and a very strong sense of the power beyond man's apprehension are communicated by his words here. "I have had a dream past the wit of man to say what dream it was. Man is but an ass if he go about t'expound this dream" (4.1.200-202). He rightly declares the unfathomability of his "dream" and feels most profoundly its power. He knows that it should be called "Bottom's dream"(4.1.208) for these correct reasons because, like being in love, it had no real substance. Some might argue that Bottom is a domineering, brash, self-centered personality, which would be a direct